ESVS - Annual Meeting, 20-23 September 2022, Rome
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Informace - zástupce za ČR v ESVS
Na základě hlasování českých členů ESVS (European Society for Vascular Surgery) se stal MUDr. Robert Vlachovský, Ph.D. z II. chirurgické kliniky LF MU a FN u sv. Anny v Brně zástupcem České republiky v této evropské organizaci na následující 3 roky (září 2017 až září 2020). Gratulujeme!
ESVS - Annual Meeting, 24-27 September 2019, Hamburg
more information: and our event website :
ESVS - Annual Meeting, 19-22 September 2017, Lyon
více na
Zápis z jednání ESVS - Londýn - 2017
Jednání se uskutečnilo v Londýně 25. 4. 2017 - zápis zde
Zápis z jednání ESVS - Kodaň - 2016
Jednání za ČR se zúčastnil dr. Peter Baláž - zápis zde
ESVS - Annual Meeting 28-30 September 2016, Copenhagen, Denmark,

ESVS - Annual Meeting - Porto - 2015
Annual meeting in Porto 23-25 September 2015
Good day,
I hope this mail finds you well.
I am contacting you on behalf of the Organizing Committee of the European Society for Vascular Surgery XXIX Annual Meeting, that will be held from 23 to 25 September, in Porto, Portugal.
We would like to kindly require your support to transmit the announcement of the Meeting to your members and invite them to join us in Porto.
Would you be willing to include the Meeting in your event calendar, place the congress banner on your website or send an email communication to your Society members.
We would greatly appreciate your support.
Looking forward to hearing from you
Best greetings,
Nafi Niang
Marketing & Communications Coordinator, European Society for Vascular Surgery - ESVS
T: +32 (0)2 645 26 74, W:
A leader in promoting optimal care for patients with vascular disease by supporting high quality research, providing educational opportunities, organising meetings, seminars, lectures, conferences and sponsoring the European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery
EJVES 2013 Impact Factor: 3.07
Annual meeting in Porto 23-25 September 2015
Zpráva z výboru ESVS - Stockholm, 2014
Dr. Peter Baláž, jako zástupce za ČR, se zúčastnil jednání výboru ESVS, které se uskutečnilo v rámci sjezdu ESVS ve Stockholmu, ve dnech 23. - 25. 9. 2014. Zpráva z jednání je v příloze.
September 2012 - ESVS - Annual Meeting, Bologna, Italy
April 2012 - ESVS European Vascular Trauma Workshop
February 2011 - ESVS Endovascular Workshop - Hamburg
The following workshops are open for registration:
- Introduction to Open Surgery and Endovascular Techniques
Venue: CCVI at the European Surgical Institute, Hamburg, Germany
Dates: 17-18 February 2011
Deadline for registration: 21 January 2011
March 2012 - ESVS Endovascular Workshop - Hamburg
Dear ESVS member
The Introduction to Open Surgery and Endovascular Techniques Workshop, to be held in Hamburg on 27-28 March 2012, is still open for registration.
Please find the programme and application form attached.
Please note that the workshop is offered on a first come first-served basis with priority for ESVS members.
Please apply via the ESVS website or return the attached application form to this email.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Best regards,
Fernanda Fronterotta
Training Manager
European Society for Vascular Surgery
Tordenskjoldsgade 25
1055 Copenhagen
Tel: +45 2681 6220
Fax: +45 3332 1390
A leader in promoting optimal care for patients with vascular disease by supporting
high quality research, providing educational opportunities, organising meetings, seminars,
lectures, conferences and sponsoring the European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery.
For CME Credits for Athens 2011, please see our website:
See you in Bologna for the XXVI Annual Meeting at Novo Polo Congressuale * 19-21 September 2012